Tooth Extractions
Our top priority is to always preserve and maintain your natural teeth. However, in some instances, extracting a tooth may be the best course of action. Our team strives to provide an efficient and painless tooth extraction process, allowing you to concentrate on a speedy and successful recovery.
Tooth Extractions in Charlotte, NC
Is tooth removal painful?
Emergency tooth removal is performed under local anesthesia, so you shouldn’t feel pain during the procedure. Some discomfort may occur after, but it can be managed with prescribed pain medications.
How long does it take to heal after a tooth extraction?
The process typically takes about 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the complexity of the extraction. Your dentist will provide a more accurate estimate based on your specific situation.
What should I do after a tooth extraction?
More Questions?
If you have more questions about tooth extractions, please contact our office. You can also request an appointment or see the other services we provide using the links below.