Filling, Crown or Veneer Fell Out

Suddenly losing a piece of filling, a veneer or a dental crown can be alarming. Whether you're experiencing pain or not it's best to request an appointment quickly to prevent complications. There is no at-home fix, even if your crown or filling is temporary.

Lost Fillings in Matthews, NC

Teeth fillings are used to fill holes left in teeth from decay or damage. Most fillings won’t last forever and having them fall out isn’t uncommon. There are many reasons why fillings fall out:

  • Tooth decay around the filling
  • Teeth grinding (bruxism) slowly wears down the area
  • Trauma to the tooth itself or its roots
  • Other factors such as hard foods or certain chemical reactions

If you’ve lost a filling it is important to schedule an appointment as soon as possible to avoid complications. Below are recommendations on how to care for your exposed tooth until you are able to have it professionally fixed.

Lost Dental Crowns

Dental crowns falling out should be examined professionally as soon as possible. There are a number of potential reasons a crown can fall out from failed adhesive to decay and oral trauma. No matter the type of crown there is a chance you will have pain or increased sensitivity if it falls out. If an adhesive-attached crown falls out, it will leave an exposed tooth underneath it that is particularly vulnerable to developing cavities and decaying. Many people who lose crowns find their exposed tooth is black because it has untreated cavities. There is no need to panic if you lose a crown, but it is important to schedule an appointment to get it fixed.

Save Your Lost Dental Crown

If you’ve lost a crown make sure to save it. Gently rinse your lost crown to keep it clean, and bring it to your appointment. It is possible that your dental crown can be reused. Below are more instructions on how to take care of your mouth if you’ve lost a crown of any type.

Lost Veneers

Veneers don’t have an unlimited lifespan. Poor adhesive, tooth decay behind the veneer, physical trauma, or simply a long time since you had them applied can lead to your veneers falling out. Cosmetically a single missing veneer can stand out against the rest of your mouth. For that reason, many people are motivated to have their veneer fixed quickly. However, it’s easy to think that since veneers aren’t crowns and are primarily cosmetic that there is no rush to have them replaced or reapplied. It’s important to remember that part of having veneers applied involves grinding away of a small amount of enamel. As long as you are missing a veneer, this ground down area is at greater risk for cavities and further damage.

If you’ve lost a veneer, follow these steps:

  • Keep your veneer even if it is in pieces.
  • Request an appointment.
  • Be careful of increased sensitivity until it’s fixed.

Home care steps for lost fillings and crowns

  1. Schedule an appointment. Because lost crowns and fillings can be caused by underlying issues like tooth decay or root damage it is important to request an appointment quickly. Even without underlying issues lost fillings and crowns pose a risk of more damage because of exposed roots.
  2. Keep your crowns and fillings. If you’ve lost a crown it’s important to keep it as your dentist might be able to reuse it. This is also true of fillings made of porcelain or gold.
  3. Rinse your mouth with salt water. Saltwater rinses can keep the area clean and reduce the risk of damage to the exposed tooth.
  4. Maintain good dental hygiene. Brushing and flossing twice daily is more important than ever when you’ve lost a filling or crown. The loss might have been caused by underlying decay which will only worsen if left exposed and unclean.
  5. Be mindful of the area when eating or drinking. It’s a good idea to avoid chewing on the site where you’ve lost your filling or crown. You should avoid hard, sticky, or especially sugary foods while you have an exposed tooth.
  6. Manage pain. Whether caused by trauma or something else many people experience pain when they lose a filling or crown. Ibuprofen can reduce pain and swelling before your appointment.

Have More Questions?

If you have more questions about lost crowns, veneers or fillings or any other services we offer please explore our site or contact us.